Pars Shahab Noghre Company

The main activity of the company is the establishment, operation, and development of the company, factories, and offices in order to supply various lighting systems and their accessories, in general, all operations for the production, assembly, purchase and sale, import, and export of public and private items Requirements for lighting systems include a variety of optical components, lamps, lamp bowls, lamp stands and items related to the subject of the company.
Also, direct investment or participation in them directly or indirectly, obtaining representation, establishing branches and granting representation inside and outside the country, buying and selling company shares, creating stores, and providing various lighting engineering services related to the subject of the company.
According to the exploitation license No. 24/30100 dated 2013/01/20 issued by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, the operation of the company’s factory with a capacity (20,000,000 lamps) has started from 2013/01/20.

Products presentation:
Production of CFL lamps in different shapes from 9 watts to 200 watts as follows:

Row Type of Lamp Row Type of Lamp
1 SPIRAL 6 Candle Cover
2 LOTUS 7 Candle Tailed
5 Umbrella 10

Pars Shahab Noghre Company Location

Here have been brought some pictures and a video of a scientific camp in Pars Shahab Noghre Company which had been organized by the Guilan Electrical and Electronics Engineers Association for electrical engineering students of Guilan province in 2016.

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